How can I connect my Ledger in the Star Atlas Showroom?

Easy Guide to Securely Access Your Ships in the Pre-Alpha Showroom

Great news! Ledger support is now available in the Showroom Pre-alpha! In this article we will explain you how to connect your Ledger hardware wallet by following some very easy steps




Step 1. Connect and unlock your Ledger wallet

Step 2. Open the Solana app in your Ledger wallet

Step 3. Click on 'Import Wallet'

Step 4. Click on 'Use a Ledger Hardware Wallet' 

Step 5. Select a Derivation Path & your Account, then click on "select account"

Step 6. Confirm your public key in your device

Step 7. Choose a wallet name and password


That's it! Now you are ready to summon your ships in the Star Atlas Showroom Pre-alpha!