Discover the new flyable ships in the Showroom 2.1 Game Release.
The Showroom 2.1 Game Release comes at a thrilling time, as all 49 ships presently available in Star Atlas will be flyable and fully equipped with weapons, ready to shoot anything in sight in any of the game modes - although not all will be available for racing. You will notice that ship systems have been updated, and your display will show you many new aspects of your vessel.
We have also reached the final stage for seven exceptional ships:
- The Pearce X4 - Pearce Industries' introductory fighter ship.
- The Opal Jet - Opal Manufacturer's flagship racing ship.
- The Fimbul Lowbie - The stylish transport vehicle from Medium Zone Manufacturer Fimbul.
- The Fimbul Airbike - The most affordable racer in the Galaxy, compliments Fimbul.
- The Pearce X6 - The standard patrol ship for Council of Peace forces, engineered by Pearce Industries.
- The Fimbul Ecos Unibomba - The entry-level bomber for the ECOS Faction.
- The Floyd Liner - A one-of-a-kind ship, not available for purchase.